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Survival Ekstrim: Makan Tikus, Babi Hutan, Beruang

Dalam antisipasi bencana kelaparan hebat, terutama setelah Pergeseran Kutub, para alien Zeta telah lama memperingatkan tentang masalah siapa memakan siapa, karena makanan akan menjadi langka--syukur-syukur masih ada hewan buruan untuk dimakan. [Baca juga: Bertakzim Pada Kehidupan]

Manusia harus mempersiapkan diri jauh-jauh hari untuk segala kemungkinan, termasuk makan tikus atau hewan lain, seperti misalnya buaya dan ular seperti yang telah disinggung-singgung dalam Banjir Texas Juni 2105 dan Bahaya Lain Yang Mengiringi Banjir Parah. Ketahanan pangan di level rumah tangga menjadi sangat penting. [Baca juga: Ketahanan Pangan (Index)]

Berikut ZetaTalk memperingatkan tentang kemungkinan makan tikus dan/atau bahkan hewan buas, serta perebutan makanan antara manusia dan hewan.

Terjemahan bebas Eating Rodents, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 314, Sunday October 7, 2012

Makan serangga dan tikus bukan hal baru, dan malahan sudah menjadi praktek di seluruh dunia.
Protein itu, ya, protein. Di banyak negara, sumber-sumber semacam itu yang bukan suplemen protein seperti misalnya dari kolam ikan dan ayam kampung dan babi, juga sering kali dianggap makanan lezat.

Masalah yang diangkat dalam sebuah artikel tentang daging tikus yang dijual di London bukanlah tentang kualitas proteinnya, melainkan bahwa pasar-pasar daging itu beroperasi di luar hukum dan yang disyaratkan oleh badan pengawas makanan.

Illegal Rat Meat And Other Bushmeat Sold In 'Shocking Quantities' In London Market, September 25, 2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/18/rat-meat-london_n_1891832.html?utm_hp_ref=world An undercover investigation conducted by the news service in one of London's busiest food markets, Ridley Road Market, has revealed that massive quantities of bushmeat, including rat, goat and sheep, are being sold illegally the public. Grasscutter rats, also known as cane rats (cat-sized rodents found throughout sub-Saharan Africa), were sold to undercover reporters by several butchers.
Film blockbuster The Hunger Games mengetengahkan tupai/bajing sebagai makanan, sebuah makanan pokok di District 12, distrik pertambangan batu bara, dimana kijang telah diburu hingga hampir punah dan kelaparan mewabah. Katniss dan pacarnya, Gale, rutin berburu tupai. Selama Perang Saudara, para serdadu yang kelaparan berburu dan makan bajing, dan ada situs tentang itu yang juga memberikan resep memasaknya.
The Hunger Games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunger_Games The citizens' starvation and their need for resources, both in and outside of the arena, create an atmosphere of helplessness that the main characters try to overcome in their fight for survival. Katniss needs to hunt to provide food for her family—this necessity results in the development of skills that are useful to her in the Games (such as her proficiency with the bow and arrow).
The Hungry Historians, March 3, 2011 http://www.hungryhistorians.com/recipes/foods-of-the-civil-war-soldier/ One thing that was usually around during the Civil War and that we like to feed when we go the park, squirrels. Here’s a recipe for the little critters.
Sebuah bab dalam buku cerita Finegan Fine (karya Nancy Lieder), berjudul Eating Rats, menggambarkan situasi setelah Pergeseran Kutub, ketika memelihara seekor pemburu tikus boleh jadi akan memberi keuntungan. Kalau Anda tidak dapat mengganti menu Anda, gantilah sikap Anda!
[Berikut kutipan dari bab Eating Rats tersebut.]
The buildings show the effects of quakes and high winds, some thrown sideways, some collapsed in place, others standing but with windows broken and roof partly blown off. A sign laying along the walkway says, in fading paint, "Coolridge Retirement Home". Finegan is looking around as he walks, sometimes walking backwards, looking for life. He hears a screen door creaking open. The woman manager says, “Can I help you?” A woman in her 30's, her long brown hair held back by a bandana, is standing in the doorway, holding the crooked screen door open. She is wearing a man's shirt that is too large for her, bound at the waist by a tie, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She has a long colorful skirt beneath, and is barefoot. Several cats run in and out of the room as she opens the door.
The nursing home vegetable garden is at the back of the complex. Most of the gardens are raised beds, long rectangular beds formed by a heavy lumber posts laid horizontally on top of one another, held firm by stakes along the outside driven into the ground. The wall is two feet tall with soil in the interior of the bed. There is a pipe running down the center of each bed for watering with a spigot at one end. The pipes have holes punched into them so water sprays out down the length of the pipe. Several oldsters are tending the garden. Half are in wheelchairs, which pull alongside the beds so the oldsters can simple reach over and pull weeds or collect produce or whatever. Some oldsters are using walkers and sit on the edges of the beds. The beds were intended to be accessible and to not require bending down, designed for the handicapped or aged. “We were fortunate, having these put in ahead of time. And we saved the seed, year to year. All those things were therapy, physical therapy. Now it's proved to be a Godsend.”
Some of the oldsters turn their heads at their approach and smile and wave. Finegan asks, “What do you do for meat?” The manager puts her finger to her mouth, a shush motion, and in a low voice replies. “You can see we've got cats. We've got a population explosion.” The manager glances at Finegan's face, prepared to drop the bomb and wanting to see if he's ready for it. “I've got several female cats that bring me their catch. It's the females that hunt. Must be a rat population explosion somewhere, as they rarely fail to deliver. Every morning, there they are, dead rats, fresh meat, on my doorstep.” She glances at Finegan's face again. “Well, it's protein! I cook it to death, meat falls off the bone, mix it into the soup that's supper every night.  No one's died yet.” Just then one of the female cats saunters up with a dead rat in its mouth and drops it at the manager's feet. The manager leans forward to praise and pet the cat. “Why thank you Mitzy! That's a beautiful gift!” 
Makan Beruang dan Babi Hutan

Terjemahan bebas Boars and Bears, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 316, Sunday October 21, 2012
Babi hutan dan beruang. Apa kesamaan mereka? Keduanya dikenal dapat memangsa manusia tapi keduanya juga dapat dimakan orang. Babi hutan bisa ganas dan, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam film-film, ia dapat makan orang seperti makan jamur saja. Beruang juga pemakan daging, dan para pemakan orang dapat muncul di masa Aftertime (pasca Pergeseran Kutub).
Menurut para alien Zeta, nanti akan muncul masalah manusia melawan beruang di Alaska hingga ditetapkan yang mana pemenangnya.
Para alien Zeta telah memprediksi bahwa satwa liar akan diburu hingga hampir punah dekat pusat-pusat populasi setelah pergeseran kutub.

ZetaTalk Alaska: Hati-hati terhadap beruang, yang akan mendapati habitat mereka terinvasi (oleh manusia--pen.). Alaska, setelah pergeseran kutub, akan menjadi tempat perang antara manusia dan beruang, dengan yang satu memakan yang satunya lagi.

Grizzly Bear Kills Backpacker in Alaska's Denali National Park, August 25, 2012 http://articles.cnn.com/2012-08-25/us/us_alaska-bear-attack  A lone backpacker was killed in a grizzly bear attack while hiking in Alaska's Denali National Park.
Deer Hunter Kills Hogzilla, October 19, 2011 http://blog.newsok.com/outdoors/2011/10/19/deer-hunter-kills-hogzilla/ Early last week Winston Brown took his crossbow and climbed up into a tree stand near Rush Springs in hope of harvesting his first deer of the season. Instead he came home with 760 pounds of wild hog. It took three arrows from Brown’s crossbow to kill the beast, which is perhaps the largest feral swine ever killed in Oklahoma.
Man Eaten by Hogs at Oregon Farm, October 1, 2012 http://www.kptv.com/story/19688341/oregon-man-eaten-by-hogs-body-%20found-in-several-pieces An Oregon man trying to feed his 700-pound hogs was eaten by the animals, and sheriff's deputies are trying to determine what led up to his death.