Terjemahan bebas Extinction Caves, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 441, Sunday March 15, 2015
Baru-baru ini menjadi berita, sebuah gua di darat yang berisikan tulang-belulang hewan-hewan punah, yang diketemukan di sepanjang pesisir pantai Madagaskar.
Hewan-hewan itu tidak diseret ke sana, maupun dimakan, oleh hewan-hewan pemangsa, melainkan tenggelam rupa-rupanya, secara masal, dalam air bergaram. Tebakan untuk tanggal kematian mereka khususnya adalah 3-4000 tahun, misalnya tanda waktu khas 3600 (tahun periode) lewatnya Nibiru di jarak terdekat dengan Bumi.
- Mystery of the 'Graveyard' of Lemurs the size of GORILLAS, February 23, 2015 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2962025/Mystery-graveyard Divers found hundreds of fossilised bones and skeletons of the primitive primates as they explored flooded inland caves on the west coast of Madagascar. Scientists leading the study of the fossils believe there could be thousands of individuals buried in the soft silt at the bottom of the cave. Among the fossils, the researchers have also discovered the bones from elephant birds, corned crocodiles, rodents and hippos that roamed the island landscape thousands of years ago. However, most of the species found in the caves are now extinct and scientists are baffled as to how so many diverse species ended up in one place. It is still unclear how the animals ended up in the cave but they may have been carried there by a flood. Similar fossils had been found in the past in other nearby caves, but nowhere near in as many numbers. Those were estimated to be between 3,000 and 4,000 years old. The bones showed hardly any sign of post-death damage like the kind that comes from being eaten by a predator. Instead it appeared that many of the lemurs had decomposed slowly and their bones have not been disturbed since.
[Catatan Velikovsky]
Velikovsky telah mencatat dalam bukunya Earth in Upheaval bahwa gelombang-gelombang pasang tinggi di masa silam nyata terjadi dan gelombang-gelombang pasang ini menghanyutkan hewan-hewan yang terjebak dalam ombak-ombak itu ke gua-gua, berulang-ulang menghempaskan mereka ke dinding gua hingga mati tenggelam atau hancur.
Tulang belulang hewan yang diketemukan di gua-gua ini juga tidak menunjukkan bahwa mereka diseret ke sana atau dimakan hewan-hewan pemangsa, yang mana tulang belulangnya sering kali ada di antara yang mati itu.Velikovsky menghubungkan waktu-waktu kataklismik ini dengan catatan kepunahan di Bumi yang sering terjadi, yang sepertinya terjadi bukan karena hewan-hewan itu ringkih, tapi karena perubahan iklim yang sangat cepat dan akibat kerusakan besar seperti gelombang-gelombang pasang ini.
Menurut para alien Zeta, Bumi kaya dengan sumber-sumber alam, dan dapat pulih dari kepunahan-kepunahan semacam itu.
- Earth in Upheaval, by Emanual Velikovsky, Chapter: Tidal Wave: Fissures in the rocks all over western Europe, are choked with bones of animals, some of extinct races, others, though of the same age, of races still surviving. The bones are mostly broken and splintered into innumerable sharp fragments and are evidently not those of animals devoured by beasts of prey. The Rock of Gibraltar is intersected by numerous crevices filled with bones. The bones are broken and splintered. The remains of panther, lynx, caffir-cat, hyena, wolf, bear, rhinoceros, horse, wild boar, red deer, fallow deer, ibex, ox, hare, rabbit, have been found in these ossiferous fissures. On Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily the broken bones of animals choke the fissures in the rocks. The state of preservation of the bones indicates that the animals, all of them, perished in the same period of time. No hardened animal feces were found, indicating that the dead beasts had not lived in these hollows or fissures. No teeth marks of hyena or of any other animal are found in the osseous mass. The bones are those of animals of all ages down to the fetus, nor do they show traces of weathering or exposure. The extremely fresh condition of the bones, proved by the retention of so large a proportion of animal matter, shows that the event was, geologically, comparatively recent. The fact that animals of all ages were involved in the catastrophe shows it to have been sudden.
- Earth in Upheaval, by Emanual Velikovsky, Chapter: Extinction: A considerable group have become extinct virtually within the last few thousand years. The large mammals that died out in America include all the camels, all the horses, all the ground sloths, two genera of musk-oxen, peccaries, certain antelopes, a giant bison with a horn spread of six feet, a giant beaverlike animal, a stag-moose, and several kinds of cats, some of which were of lion size. Animals, strong and vigorous, suddenly died out without leaving a survivor. The end came, not in the course of the struggle for existence - with the survival of the fittest. Fit and unfit, and mostly fit, old and young, with sharp teeth, with strong muscles, with fleet legs, and plenty of food around, all perished. They died as if a wind had snuffed life out of all of them, leaving their cadavers, with no sign of degeneration, in asphalt pits, in bogs, in sediment, and in caverns.
ZetaTalk Comment 7/15/1995: Hewan-hewan dalam satu atau lain bentuk telah selamat dari bencana alam berskala kiamat yang berulang-ulang. Evolusi alami terjadi, apapun masalahnya, dan kataklisme hanya memiringkan keseimbangannya ke arah sini atau sana.
Tanpa kataklisme, spesies hewan di Bumi Anda akan berbeda---ada percampuran yang berbeda, dan dengan beberapa spesies sekarang yang sudah lama punah masih akan ada.Namun karena spesies-spesies yang punah ini telah selamat dulunya, maka yang lainnya tidak dapat subur berkembang-biak, akibat kompetisi.
Karenanya, di luar melindungi cagar-cagar alam, Anda tak perlu mengkhawatirkan survival hewan. Alam dapat mengurus dirinya sendiri.ZetaTalk Comment 7/3/2010: Lihatlah keragaman spesies yang dimiliki dunia Anda! Ya, memang ada yang punah, seperti Mammoth, tapi keragaman genetika terus bertambah. Para pakar biologi akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa di pulau-pulau yang terpisah dari daratan utama, spesies-spesies baru berkembang, terpisah dari varietas di daratan utama. Mutasi, seleksi alami, berlanjut.
Di antara bukti gelombang-gelombang pasang tinggi yang dikemukakan oleh Velikovsky adalah tulang belulang ikan paus di pegunungan di sepanjang St. Lawrence Seaway.
Tulang belulang ini diketemukan 500-600 kaki di atas muka laut. Legenda-legenda di banyak negara juga mengisahkan gelombang-gelombang pasang tinggi ini.Tidak diragukan lagi, inilah yang menjebak dan menenggelamkan lemur-lemur raksasa serta makhluk-makhluk lain di gua di Madagaskar itu.
Hal ini pernah terjadi sebelumnya, dan akan terjadi lagi!
- Earth in Upheaval, by Emanual Velikovsky, Chapter: Whales in the Mountains: Bones of whale have been found 440 feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario; a skeleton of another whale was discovered in Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level; and still another in the Montreal-Quebec area, about 600 feet above sea level. Although the Humphrey whale and beluga occasionally enter the mouth of the St. Lawrence, they do not climb hills.
- Worlds in Collision, by Emanual Velikovsky, Chapter: The Tide: The traditions of the people of Peru tell that for a period of time the sun was not in the sky, and then the ocean left the shore and with a terrible din broke over the continent. The Choctaw Indians of Oklahoma relate: “The earth was plunged in darkness for a long time”. Finally a dark light appeared in the north, “but it was mountain-high waves, rapidly coming nearer”. According to the Lapland epic, after the sea-wall fell on the continent, gigantic waves continued to roll and dead bodies were dashed about in the dark waters.