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Membangun Rumah Kapal Dari Bakau

Terjemahan bebas Mangrove Island, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 424, Sunday November 16, 2014 

Newsletter ini telah banyak mengetengahkan rumah-rumah mungil dan rumah-rumah yang terbuat dari barang-barang rongsokan serta kehidupan di kapal boat [baca: Bangunlah Rumah Kapal Sekarang], karena akan ada begitu banyak orang yang kehilangan tempat tinggal setelah Pergeseran Kutub, atau bahkan jauh sebelum Pergeseran Kutub [baca: Orang-Orang Kapal].

Daily Mail baru-baru ini mengetengahkan sebuah kapal boat yang terbuat dari tanah, dengan bantuan bakau-bakau yang ditanam di atas kapal boat itu. Pohon-pohon bakau hidup di air asin dan sungguh menggelantungkan saja akar-akar mereka di dalam air, dengan demikian menahan apapun yang terapung-apung dekat akar-akar mereka.

Mangrove, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangrove Mangroves are various large and extensive types of trees up to medium height and shrubs that grow in saline coastal sediment habitats in the tropics and subtropics.

No Man is an Island: British DIY Robinson Crusoe, November 7, 2014 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2825071/British-DIY-Robinson-Crusoe He spent the past seven years carefully constructing a floating eco-paradise - complete with a hot tub and Internet connection - out of 150,000 recycled bottles. The three-story house on the island boasts, two bedrooms, a hot tub, three shell showers, a kitchen and working Internet. It is surrounded by palm trees, mangroves, fruit trees and edible herbs and plants, which all grow from the sand and soil of the hand-made island. Solar panels now provide electricity. There is a lot of physical labor involved in keeping it up especially in the early years before the mangrove roots weave through the base and strengthen everything.

[Rumah Kapal, Rumah Ideal]
Kehidupan di Rumah Kapal adalah cara ideal untuk mengatasi air laut yang naik, dan orang tidak perlu harus berada di sepanjang pesisir untuk mengalaminya. Oleh karena sungai-sungai (yang meluap--pen.) akan surut dengan lambat, maka danau-danau dalam daratan akan bertambah luas, dan kehidupan di rumah kapalpun akan bermunculan dimana-mana.
Dan contoh telah diberikan dalam kisah The Passage di bab In Harms Way, yang menggambarkan bagaimana sebuah kelompok survivor, setelah mengambili botol-botol plastik dari pabrik daurulang, membentuk sebuah komunitas yang tinggal di kapal-kapal boat di tengah-tengah sebuah sungai luas yang terus melebar.
Tepat seperti itulah alat apung yang digunakan oleh pulau apung yang digambarkan dalam Daily Mail! Apabila gelombang pasang sedang naik, maka naiklah bersama gelombang pasang itu! 
The group hears what sounds like music, various tones, the sound plastic bottles make when filled with air and forced in close proximity to each other in a net, or tied together. These tones are various, like some kind of drum set composed of small plastic drums, almost tinkling rather than booming. A series of houseboats are moored to the trees of a small island in the middle of the slow-moving river. These are strung out in a line, a couple rafts moored to the strong trees on the island, then other rafts moored to these, so the lot stretches out along the center of the river. Plastic bottles have been filled with air and either tied together or stuffed into a net.
Some of the rafts have tents on them, some have one room structures made from scrap lumber and tarps. Laundry is hung out to dry here and there, on lines tied between boards nailed to the edges of the rafts and whatever serves as the sleeping quarters in the center of the raft. Most of the rafts have container gardens of some sort, plastic pots of various size and colors, growing tomatoes or lettuce or chard. Fishing lines are hung from the rafts, trailing off into the river as they draw downstream. The fishing lines reflect light, and so many of them are strung out that it looks almost like a spider web with the rafts caught in the center.